How can we summarize a year of activity while at war?

Together! That’s a reason for hope for us.
We were able to raise funds and expand our budget for joint resilience activity, together with the organizations, by more than 30%.
We enhanced the impact organizations and communities have on the city and on Israeli society and much more you can read about in
In the upcoming year we will continue with all our might to increase and solidify our work, and we already have several innovative ventures already brewing. This is a key year for the city with municipal elections coming up and of course the war still all around us. We pray for
days of resilience and grace.
We’d like to thank our partners for their partnership and support: The Diane and Guilford Glazer Foundation, The Gimprich Family Foundation, The Jerusalem Foundation, The Sapir Center for Jewish Education and Culture, Jerusalem Colors, IACC – Israel Association of Community Centers, The Jerusalem Model, The Leichtag Foundation, The Jewish Agency and especially The UJA Federation New York and the Municipality of Jerusalem.
And of course we thank the 40 organizations and 30 communities working in partnership with us at Rashut Ha’Rabim.