Farewell to Carol Goldgeier

During the Passover holiday, we had the privilege of holding a farewell event in honor of Carol Goldgeier, representative of the Gimprich Family Foundation in Israel, who retired after over two decades of work at the foundation. Rashut HaRabim hosted the event in our new Community House because the foundation chose to invest in it and to contribute to its further development.
Thanks to the foundation’s donation, we expanded the infrastructure of the Community House and turned it from a bomb shelter into a shared home.
The event was attended by family members and friends, as well as by representatives of organizations that Carol supported over the years while they received funding from the Foundation. Michael Schmidt, president of the Gimprich Family Foundation, thanked Carol for her dedicated work over the years. “Promoting religious pluralism in Israel has been a central component of the Foundation’s investments since its inception. Especially today, it is clear that these investments are essential to the current and future character of the State of Israel. Carol has played a central role in this, and we are very grateful for her holy work.”
Inbar, executive director of Rashut HaRabim, added: “The Gimprich Family Foundation has chosen to invest strategically in infrastructure for organizations that are scaling up to expand social impact. Carol, with a big smile and exemplary professionalism, was there to direct and guide us, with love and devotion. The choice that Carol and the Foundation made to support the Community House is a wonderful example of this. It is a home that serves as a meeting point for a human mosaic, a partnership of several communities in the neighborhood, and a model for other neighborhoods in Jerusalem: A community that builds a home, and a home that builds a community.”
At the farewell event at the Community House, Carol and Michael unveiled the sign, and Michael and Inbar hung a mezuzah.
We congratulate Tamara Klinger-Levi, who took up her position as the Israeli representative and program manager at the Gimprich Family Foundation. We are confident that together, we will continue to promote a better, more just society in Jerusalem and throughout the country.