Mechon Hadar
Machon Hadar provides a home for people seeking to build, sustain and empower vibrant,
practicing and egalitarian communities that promote Torah study, prayer, and loving
kindness. We seek to build a world where such communities may thrive, and hold intensive
yeshiva programs and an active Beit Midrash, maintain ties with our alumni and collaborate
with communities and organizations that share these values, produce public events, and
confront current issues in our teaching and studying.
Machon Hadar holds regular activities and a variety of programs during the entire year. We
offer an intensive Elul full-day program, a three-day winter seminar for summer students, a
weekly Beit Midrash on Tuesday evenings, Friday evening prayers in Jerusalem, prayer and
study encounters on Rosh Chodesh, and a conference for egalitarian communities from all
over Israel. Hadar alumni operate Beit Midrash programs and hold prayers in Beer Sheva and
Tel Aviv.